Mascot Management

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Building Information Modelling becomes compulsory on all Government contracts from 2016 and is now being widely used in all sectors

What is BIM?

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a way to design, construct and operate buildings through the creation of an intelligent 3D model employed throughout the construction project lifecycle. The BIM process equips architecture, engineering, and construction professionals with the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure whilst providing all stakeholders with a better understanding of the project. 

BIM promotes greater collaboration between construction professionals with a goal of providing a more efficient, controlled, safer way of building. BIM solutions use relational database technology to embed information and relationships into models, creating "intelligent" models

The models contain geometric representations of the building and its constituent components, as well as the large amount of associated project data such as specifications, model numbers, warranty information and so on, with the ability to create Asset Registers and Planned Maintenance schedules.

Benefits of BIM

• Coordination and Collaboration
• Conflict Detection and Risk Management
• High Level of Customisation and Flexibility
• Optimisation of Schedule and Cost
• Faster Drafting without loss of Cost and Quality
• Easy Maintenance of Building Lifecycle
• Reduction in the icost of whole life cycle of built assets
• Reduction in overall time, from inception to completion

Mascot Approach to BIM

BIM introduces a different way of delivering design and construction that requires all stakeholders to collaborate to develop the design of their specific element minimising the risk of design coordination issues.

There is one model which is shared by all and this means the project management process needs to be adapted to suit the BIM methodology. It is important to define the intended use of the BIM model during occupation and this will drive the BIM scope from the early stages.

We adopt the process set out in BSI PAS 1192-2:2013 adapted to suit the specific requirements of the project to cover the following key stages:

Assessment and Need
Asset Management